Gurdjieff Heritage Society is focused on preserving source material from near and first generation students of Mr. Gurdjieff. We frequently receive offers of new collections and do our best with limited resources to add suitable material to the archive and make new documents and collections available to members.
In this direction we are sharing a list of documents recently activated in the archive. The set includes material from important figures in the work including Tom Daly, Irmis Popoff, Lord Pentland, Helen Adie, Sophie Ouspensky, and others. Click “GHS newly activated documents” to download the complete list.
We would also bring your attention to several complete collections added to the archive in the past months.
The Katherine Breithaupt Archive
Katherine Rodomar Breithaupt was a member of Lord Pentland’s Group in New York in the 1950s. She took part in “The Movements” when they were staged at Carnegie Hall, and spent many work weekends at Mendham. She was a close friend of both Jessmin and Dushka Howarth. Her collection contains early copies of manuscripts and books, newspaper articles, notes, and a photo of Mdm. de Hartmann. This collection was donated to the GHS by her daughter, Kate Breithaupt.

The Gurdjieff Writings Archive
This collection contains material written by G.I. Gurdjieff. We have recently added an exact facsimile of the 1950 edition, which is also publicly available here.

The Muriel Draper Archive
Includes correspondence, photographs, and manuscripts from the collection of a primary American student of Gurdjieff.

The Paul and Naomi Anderson Archive
Members of the Orage groups in New York, Paul and Naomi Anderson were also with Gurdjieff at the Institute in France. Gurdjieff visited them in Washington, D.C. where they were instructed to organize and run groups. Among the original members of the Gurdjieff Foundation in New York, the Andersons later went their own way in keeping with their own instructions from Mr. Gurdjieff. This collection contains several of Mr. Anderson’s unpublished writings and talks.

To access these collections become a member of Gurdjieff Heritage Society. Your membership makes possible the work of our volunteer team in gathering and presenting these valuable materials. Please join us by applying on this page.